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New Trend In Hair Regrowth Products Revealed | Procapil

22 Oct 2018 0 comments
New Trend In Hair Regrowth Products Revealed | Procapil

There is a new emerging trend in hair regrowth shampoo.

It was observed that people are turning away from drugs and chemical products and choosing natural products instead. 

People are starting to see that all the chemical products that are available on the market are doing more harm than good, It is now a known fact that our body absorbs all chemicals, even if they are applied to just one area of the body. Not just that, they are also bad for the environment. People want natural products, and that is exactly what we offer them.

There are a range of chemical products available on the market, such as Monoxidil, Rogaine and Finasteride.

All of these have been found to have certain health risks associated with them. The side effects that have been noted can be particularly dangerous and include irregular heartbeat, weight gain, shortness of breath, headaches, and sexual side effects including impotence.

As a result, people are now searching for hair regrowth treatment that contain natural ingredients like Procapil. Procapil is a naturally derived DHT-blocking compound, containing no synthetic drugs or hormones, and it has been reported that it does not have side effects. In addition to that, it was found that it does not have a chemical odor. It is based on a modified, high potency biotin molecule which has been long been shown to be a contributor to healthy hair and skin growth. Clinical trials have also proven it to have a measurably higher rate of hair growth success than Minoxidil.

This product has been shown to have a DHT-blocking mechanism. DHT or dihydrotestosterone is a hormone responsible for age-related hair loss due to a natural increase in its amount starting in middle age. In excessive amounts, DHT causes hair to die because it blocks the crucial nutrients required by the dermal pilla cells which produce hair follicles. With regular, consistent use, hair loss shampoo with Procapil has been shown to prevent DHT buildup at the roots.

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